1. ____ is the name of a person, animal, place or things. a) Noun b) Verb c) No d) Pronoun

2. We have ____ parts of speech. a) 8 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

3. All are parts of speech except a) principles b) noun c) verb d) pronoun

4. All are examples of feature tense except a) now b) tomorrow c) next week d) yesterday

5. All are examples of compound words except a) textbook b) next week c) word d) head boy

6. compound words means ____ a) combination of two words b) single word c) three word d) four words

7. All are examples of noun except a) stone b) all c) Maryam d) Joy

9. Which of the following is not a part of speech? a) Tense b) Noun c) Preposition d) Pronoun

10. Which words are used instead of a Noun? a) Pronoun b) Noun c) Interjection d) Conjunction

11. He is a ____ part of speech? a) pronoun b) noun c) verb d) adverb

12. John is running. The underlined word is ____ (a) pronoun b) noun c) verb

13. Informal letter is equally called a) friendly letter b) official letter c) office letter d) table letter

14. The differences between formal and informal letter is ____ a) formal letters have two addresses while informal letters have one b) formal letters have three addresses while informal letters have two c) informal letters have two addresses d) all of the above

15. We have ____ types of letter writing a) 2 b) 5 c) 3 d) 1

16. All are examples of pronoun except a) lion b) He c) She d) Me

17. Noun is a name of a person, animal, place or thing. True or False?

18. Formal letter is a type of letter writing. True or False?

19. John is running. The underlined word is a verb. True or False?

20. Lagos is a noun, True or False?




SECTION B: Answer ALL questions from this section.


a.      The choir sang beautifully in the church.

b.     The boy runs fast.

c.      She comes to our class often.

d.     The cow walked majestically across the road.

e.      Esther speaks quietly.

f.       Our teacher flogged David angrily.

g.     We will pass this exam excellently.

h.     The rich man helped the poor generously.

i.       The honest man was handsomely rewarded by the government.

j.        The church woman prayerfully approached the pastor.

2.     Draw lines to match the creatures in Column A to their sounds in Colum B.

A                                                                 B

Text Box: Horse




































3.      Text Box: Here, everywhere, often, always, soon, recently, much, quite, too never.Complete the following sentences with the correct word(s) in the box.








a.      The president visits us -------------------

b.     She goes -------------------- to sell her goods.

c.      David is quite ------------------------

d.     The food Esther served me is ------------- small.

e.      This problem will-------------------------be over.

f.       She performs -------------------------better than him.

g.     Jamal is ---------------------------- right now.

h.     They ----------------------listened to their parents’ advice.

i.       I ------------------- saw the celebrity in Lagos.

j.       ---------------------- cover your foods because of flies.


4.      Essay writing

Write a letter to your elder brother or sister in another state. Tell him or her how much you miss him and the things you want for your birthday in October.


5.     Comprehension:  Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions on it.


                   The following day, Mr. Fred drove Dawn to her aunt’s house which was quite far from his residence. On the way, none of them said anything to each other, both of them were thinking. Dawn kept staring through the window as the car sped from street to street until they came to a slummy street. The street was littered with debris and human feces. Shabbily dressed people milled about and stared curiously at the car as it passed them. Twice, they passed people drinking alcohol and smoking openly and Mr. Fred stared disgustedly at this. He thought that he would never allow his daughter to live in such area.

                   Finally, they reached the house on the address that was given to him from Dawn’s school. There was nowhere to pack so he just stopped beside the road and alighted. Dawn opened the door and pulled out her bag. She walked into the house without waiting for Mr. Fred or saying anything to him. Mr. Fred observed that she knew the house well. He followed her and they passed many rooms and people. Some of the people were saying hello to Dawn but she ignored them all and walked on till they reached the last room. Dawn opened the door and walked into the room, Mr. Fred followed her into the room. The room was dark so Dawn switched on a light from the wall and Mr. Fred stared in horror as he saw a man and a woman on a bed in the room.

                   He quickly went out of the room and heaved a sigh of relieve because both the man and the woman on the bed were naked. While he was waiting to catch his breath, the door opened some minutes later and the man he had seen walked out of the room. He was bald and frumpy and very ugly. He looked at Mr. Fred murderously and left. The door opened again and Dawn told him to come in. He tentatively walked into the room and closed the door behind him. A woman was sitting on the bed, smoking and looking keenly at him.

“Who are you?” She asked him as she looked at him from head to toe.

“I am Fred; I am here to leave this girl in your custody. I believe you know her?”

She nodded her head, “Going on, tell me why you are here”

“Well, her mother is dead, she was hit by a vehicle” he waited for her reaction, expecting her to break down weeping and shouting but she remained calm and indifferent.

“Was it your car that hit her mother” the fat woman asked hopefully

“No, it was a ruthless truck driver and he didn’t wait” Mr. Fred said helplessly.

“So who is going to pay for killing my sister?” the woman demanded furiously.

“Well, I don’t know. Maybe you should go to the police to report that” Mr. Fred said, shrugging his shoulders and hating the woman on the bed. He couldn’t wait any longer to leave the room. “So, your sister handed Dawn over to me shortly before she died and told me to take care of her but she has been living with us since then- that was three months ago”

“Three months and you are just bringing her? I hope you love using her as a house help?” she asked bitingly.

Mr. Fred was very angry.

“House help? How will I do such a horrible thing? Well, she was not my house help and I treated her like my daughter. Ask her and she will tell you that I took proper care of her. I can’t believe that I am hearing this!” he said indignantly…….

(Excerpt from the novel “Gifted” written by Olayiwola Oromidayo)


1.     What is the name of the girl that Mr. Fred took back to her aunt?

2.     Why was he taking her back to her aunt instead of letting her live with him?

3.     Where does the girl’s aunt live?

4.     In your own opinion, what do you think “slummy street” as used in the passage mean?

5.     How did the girl’s mum die?

6.     Do you think that the girl was happy to be taken back to her aunt?


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