
Showing posts from October, 2019


 Latest scholarship opportunities.  This morning,  I received a load of scholarship opportunities in my email and I've decided to share them with you,  my readers. Check them out below : FEATURED SCHOLARSHIPS, INTERNSHIPS AND ONLINE COURSES Stanford University $10,000 Design Competition For International Students Stanford Center on Longevity Application Deadline : December 6, 2019 Apply Now Government of Ireland Postgraduate Programme for International Students Government of Ireland Application Deadline : October 24, 2019 Apply Now The University of Tokyo Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship in Japan, 2020 Government of Japan, University of Tokyo Application Deadline : October 31, 2019 Apply Now Cambridge Trust Postgraduate Scholarships in the UK, 2020 University of Cambridge Application Deadline :  December 3, 2019 Apply Now Rotary Yoneyama Scholarships for International Students in Japan, 2020 Rotary Yoneyama Memorial Foundation App...


The correct use of AS and HAS. Oftentimes, people (especially beginners and non-native speakers of English) use both AS and HAS wrongly, most times, interchangeably.  They are different words and they are not even synonyms so one shouldnt be used for the other.  In this lesson, we will examine the correct usage of both words and their differences because understanding grammar is key to understanding a language. AS /æz/ AS belongs to two different parts of speech. It is both an adverb and a conjunction, depending on its usage in a sentence. The main uses of 'As' It is used to compare things which are (almost) equal: It is used to compare two or more things that are equal or almost equal in age, colour, length, size, particle etc. Examples: He is as old as she is. (They are the same age). She's wearing the same shoes as I am. (We're both wearing the same shoes). 1. I work as hard as he does. (We both work the same amount). 2. Your house is as large as ...


Today, we are going to talk about noun . Noun is a very interesting part of speech. Often times, it is mentioned before other parts of speech are mentioned. So what then is a noun?  A noun is the name of things. Whatever has a name is a noun. It doesn't matter if we can physically see or touch the thing or not- it is a noun as long as it is called by a name. Types of Noun. Proper noun Common noun Concrete noun Countable noun Uncountable noun Abstract noun Gerund/verbal noun Collective noun Possessive noun Now let's take them one by one. Common noun usually talks about general, unspecific things that can be seen and touched. So, examples are: spoon, table, chin, floor, deck, shoe and all other common things around us. Proper nouns are nouns that refer to people, places, months, days, titles or some supernatural beings. Proper nouns like John, Sade , February, Tuesday Lagos are capitalized at the beginning to show their distinction from common nouns, such ...